Keto Lasagna Recipe: A Low-Carb Comfort Food Classic

Indulge in a classic comfort food without breaking your keto diet! Try our delicious keto lasagna recipe and satisfy those cravings today.

Keto Lasagna Recipe: A Low-Carb Comfort Food Classic
Keto Lasagna Recipe

Keto lasagna is a delicious twist on a traditional Italian dish, perfect for those following a low-carb lifestyle. This recipe swaps out the high-carb pasta layers for slices of zucchini, creating a dish that's just as satisfying as the original. With a rich meat sauce and creamy cheese sauce, this keto lasagna is sure to become a favorite in your meal rotation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover a keto-friendly lasagna recipe that doesn't skimp on flavor.
  • Learn how to make a rich and savory meat sauce with simple ingredients.
  • Find out how to create a creamy cheese sauce that perfectly complements the layers of zucchini.

The Foundation: Preparing Your Zucchini "Noodles"

Zucchini serves as an excellent pasta substitute in our keto lasagna, providing not only the perfect texture but also a boost of nutrients.

To begin, slice two large zucchinis into thin, lasagna-noodle-like strips. A mandoline slicer can be your best friend here, ensuring even thickness for consistent cooking.

Pat the zucchini strips dry with paper towels to remove excess moisture, which is crucial to prevent a watery lasagna.

Once your zucchini noodles are prepped, it's time to move on to the heart of the dish: the meat sauce.

This component is key to infusing your lasagna with rich, Italian flavors, so don't rush the process.

Let's dive into the meaty goodness that will layer beautifully with your zucchini strips.

Crafting the Perfect Keto Meat Sauce

Meat, Meat Sauce, Cheese Sauce & Layer

The meat sauce is where the magic happens. Start by heating a tablespoon of olive oil in a large skillet. Add one cup of diced onions and four cloves of minced garlic, sautéing until they're translucent and fragrant.

Then, introduce one pound of ground beef, browning it thoroughly. The key to a flavorful sauce is to let the meat caramelize slightly, unlocking a depth of flavor that will permeate the entire dish.

Next, stir in one can of tomatoes, one cup of sliced mushrooms, and one cup of beef stock. The tomatoes add a tangy sweetness, the mushrooms bring an earthy note, and the beef stock deepens the overall savoriness.

Let the sauce simmer until it thickens and the flavors meld together, creating a meat sauce that's robust and hearty, perfect for layering in your keto lasagna.

The Rich and Creamy Cheese Sauce

No lasagna is complete without a decadent cheese sauce, and this keto version is no exception.

In a small pot, combine four ounces of cream cheese, one cup of cheddar cheese, one ounce of mozzarella, and one cup of cream.

Warm the mixture slowly, stirring often to prevent any sticking or burning. The cheeses will melt together, forming a velvety sauce that's rich in both taste and texture.

Best Cheese For Keto

This cheese sauce is not just a filler; it's a star in its own right.

The cream cheese provides a smooth base, while the cheddar and mozzarella bring a delightful stretchiness and flavor that's essential in any good lasagna.

Once the cheese sauce is ready, it's time to assemble your layers and get ready for the oven.

Assembling Your Keto Lasagna

Keto Lasagna Ready To Bake!

Assembly is where your keto lasagna comes to life. Start with a layer of meat sauce at the bottom of your baking dish, followed by a layer of zucchini noodles.

Next, spoon a generous amount of the cheese sauce over the zucchini. Repeat these layers until all ingredients are used, finishing with a layer of cheese sauce on top.

Make sure to distribute the layers evenly for a balanced bite in every forkful.

The zucchini noodles should be nestled snugly between the meat and cheese sauces, absorbing the flavors and melding into a cohesive dish.

Once assembled, your keto lasagna is ready for the oven, where it will bake to bubbly perfection.

Baking to Perfection

Keto Lasagna Baked To Perfection

Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and cover your lasagna with foil.

Bake for 25 minutes, then remove the foil and continue baking for another 15-20 minutes, or until the top is golden and bubbly.

This two-step baking process ensures that the zucchini cooks through without becoming mushy, and that the cheese sauce achieves a tantalizingly crispy top layer.

Patience is key during the baking process. The smells wafting from your oven will be tempting, but giving your lasagna the proper time to bake ensures that every layer melds together harmoniously.

Once baked, let the lasagna rest for a few minutes before slicing. This rest period allows the layers to set, making it easier to serve neat, appetizing portions.

Serving and Pairing Suggestions

When it's time to serve your keto lasagna, consider what to pair it with.

A crisp green salad dressed with a simple vinaigrette complements the richness of the lasagna beautifully.

For a heartier meal, serve alongside roasted vegetables like broccoli or Brussels sprouts, which can stand up to the bold flavors of the meat and cheese sauces.

Keto lasagna is not only a comforting meal but also a versatile one. It pairs well with a variety of sides and can be adapted to suit different tastes.

Whether you're serving it for a family dinner or a special occasion, this dish is sure to impress.

Storing and Reheating Tips

Leftover keto lasagna is a meal-prepper's dream. It stores well in the refrigerator for up to five days and can be easily reheated in the oven or microwave.

When storing, cover the lasagna tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil, or transfer individual portions to airtight containers.

To reheat, simply place the desired amount in an oven-safe dish and warm it in a preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) until heated through.

For a quicker option, microwave on high for a few minutes, checking periodically to ensure it doesn't overheat. Keto lasagna retains its flavor and texture remarkably well, making it an excellent choice for leftovers.

Customizing Your Keto Lasagna

Keto lasagna is a flexible dish that can be tailored to your preferences. For a different twist, try using ground turkey or Italian sausage instead of beef.

You can also add spinach or bell peppers to the meat sauce for an extra serving of vegetables. If you're a fan of spice, a pinch of red pepper flakes will give your lasagna a pleasant kick.

The beauty of this recipe lies in its adaptability. Feel free to experiment with different cheeses or add fresh herbs like basil or oregano for a burst of freshness.

Keto lasagna is a canvas for your culinary creativity, so don't be afraid to make it your own.


Keto lasagna is a comforting, satisfying dish that's perfect for anyone looking to enjoy a classic favorite without the carbs.

With layers of thinly sliced zucchini, a savory meat sauce, and a rich cheese sauce, this recipe delivers all the flavors and textures you love in traditional lasagna.

It's easy to make, customizable, and great for leftovers.

Whether you're new to the keto diet or a seasoned low-carb eater, this keto lasagna is sure to become a staple in your recipe collection.

FAQ Section

Q: Can I make this lasagna dairy-free? A: Yes, you can make keto lasagna dairy-free by using dairy-free cheese alternatives and a dairy-free cream substitute in the cheese sauce. Be sure to check the labels to ensure they are low in carbs.

Q: How can I prevent my keto lasagna from being watery? A: To prevent a watery lasagna, make sure to pat the zucchini noodles dry after slicing them. Additionally, let the meat sauce simmer until it thickens before assembling the lasagna.

Q: Is this keto lasagna recipe freezer-friendly? A: Yes, you can freeze keto lasagna either before or after baking. If freezing before baking, assemble the lasagna in a freezer-safe dish, cover tightly, and freeze. Thaw in the refrigerator overnight before baking. If freezing after baking, allow the lasagna to cool completely, then cover and freeze. Reheat in the oven until warmed through.

Keto Lasagna Recipe

Full Recipe

Keto Lasagna Recipe

Meat Sauce
1 LB Ground Beef
1 Can Tomatoes
1 Cup Mushrooms
1 Cup Beef Stock
4 Cloves garlic
1 Cup Diced Onion
1 TBSP Olive Oil

Cheese Sauce:
4 OZ Cream Cheese
1 Cup Cheddar
1 OZ Mozzarella
1 Cup Cream
2 Large Zucchini


  1. In a small pot add the cream, cream cheese, cheddar and mozzarella. Warm
    slowly until all the cheese has melted but do not bring to a boil. Set to the side.
  2. Heat a medium pan and add the olive oil.
    Add the diced onion and garlic and fry for 5-10 minutes until starting to brown.
  3. Add the mushrooms and ground beef and cook until browned. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  4. Add the tomatoes and beef stock and simmer for 20-30 minutes until sauce
    has reduced. Set to the side.
  5. Cut the zucchini into thin strips using a mandolin or vegetable peeler. Pat the noodles dry. Grease and line a baking tin.
  6. Layer the lasagna finishing with a layer of the cheese sauce. Top with some
    additional shredded cheese.
  7. Bake for 30-40 minutes a 350°F.

Nutritional Information:
Net Carbs: 8.2g
Protein: 25.8g
Fat: 23g
Calories: 346