What is the Best Cheese For Keto? Unveiling the Top 10 Cheesy Delights for Your Keto Journey!

What is the Best Cheese For Keto? Unveiling the Top 10 Cheesy Delights for Your Keto Journey!
Best Cheese For Keto

Cheese, glorious cheese! It's not just a tasty treat; it's a keto dieter's best friend. When you're on a ketogenic diet, cheese is like that loyal companion that never lets you down.

Why Cheese is a Keto Superstar

Cheese is a staple in the ketogenic diet for good reason. It's a delicious source of high fat foods with moderate protein and very low carbs.

This makes it ideal for keto dieters who are restricting carbs to achieve ketosis, a state where the body burns fat for fuel.

But not all cheeses are created equal.

The best cheese for keto is full fat cheeses that are low in carbs and high in fat, helping you to stay within your daily macronutrient goals.

What to Look for in Keto-Friendly Cheese

When searching for the best cheeses for your keto diet, consider the following:

  • Fat Content: Opt for high fat diet cheeses, which provide the energy you need.
  • Carbs: Look for low carb foods with minimal carbs per serving.
  • Processing: Minimally processed or real cheese is preferable over highly processed options.
  • Lactose Content: Those with lactose intolerance should choose cheeses with less lactose.

Finding the best cheese for a keto diet can be challenging, especially when it comes to deciding whether to buy blocks of cheese, shredded, sliced, crumbles, or spreads.

It is generally recommended to buy blocks of cheese as they tend to have fewer additives and preservatives than their pre-packaged counterparts. Plus, buying blocks of cheese will give you more control over your portions and enable you to cut it into perfect squares or cubes for easy snacking or cooking.

However, if you prefer convenience, buying shredded and sliced cheese can save you time and effort, but be mindful of added starches or fillers that may increase carb count, as some manufacturers add hidden carbs and sugars to improve texture or flavor.

Crumbled cheese, on the other hand, can be an excellent addition to salads or omelets, but it is essential to choose those with little to no additives and minimal carbs.

Lastly, spreads can be a convenient option for easy snacking and dipping, but keep an eye on the ingredients list and carb count, and aim for those made with natural ingredients and minimal carbs.

With proper research and mindfulness, you can enjoy delicious cheese while sticking to your keto diet.

1. Cheddar Cheese: The Keto All-Rounder

Happy Belly Mild Cheddar Cheese Block

Cheddar cheese, especially mild cheddar cheese, is a keto favorite due to its versatility and delicious taste. Some prefer sharp cheddar cheese better but whatever type of cheddar you choose is good on the Keto diet.

Exclusive Insights

  • High in Fat: Perfect for a high fat diet.
  • Low in Carbs: Only trace amounts of carbs.
  • Rich in Protein: Offers grams of protein to support muscle health.

Customer Review

"I've lost 20 pounds on my keto journey, and mild cheddar has been my go-to snack. It's filling, tasty, and keeps me on track!"

2. Cream Cheese: The Creamy Dream

365 by Whole Foods Market, Cream Cheese Tub Whipped

Cream cheese is a creamy cheese that's perfect for adding richness to any keto recipe.

This goes perfect in our Low Carb Cheesecake Recipe!

Exclusive Insights

  • Creamy Texture: Adds a luxurious feel to keto dishes.
  • Versatile: Great for both savory and sweet keto recipes.
  • Low Carb: Contains minimal carbs per serving.

Customer Review

"Whether I'm making a keto cheesecake or a creamy sauce, cream cheese never disappoints. It's a keto lifesaver!"

3. Parmesan Cheese: The Flavor Powerhouse

Shredded Parmesan and Romano Blend

Parmesan cheese, with its strong flavor, is an excellent addition to keto meals, adding a punch without the carbs.

Exclusive Insights

  • Low Lactose: Good for those with lactose intolerance.
  • High in Protein: Provides a good amount of grams of protein.
  • Low Carb: Almost zero carbs, making it a keto-friendly choice.

Customer Review

"Parmesan has transformed my keto meals. A little goes a long way, and it's helped me keep my carb count low."

4. Goat Cheese: The Digestible Delight


Goat cheese is a healthy cheese option for those who might be lactose intolerant, as it's made from goat's milk which is easier to digest.

Exclusive Insights

  • Less Lactose: Easier on the stomach for those with lactose issues.
  • High in Fat: Aligns with the keto diet focuses on a high fat intake.
  • Unique Flavor: Offers a tangy taste that enhances any dish. However, some think goat cheese has a funkiness that they don't like.

Customer Review

"I have a sensitive stomach, and goat cheese has been a game-changer. It's creamy, delicious, and doesn't cause me any discomfort."

5. Blue Cheese: The Bold Choice

Dietz & Watson Originals Blue Cheese Wedge

Blue cheese is known for its strong flavor and creamy texture, making it a keto-friendly choice that packs a punch.

Exclusive Insights

  • Distinctive Taste: Elevates the flavor profile of salads and meats.
  • Moderate Protein: Helps meet your daily protein needs.
  • Low Carb: Contains very few carbs, perfect for keto.

Customer Review

"Blue cheese has added a new dimension to my keto meals. It's bold, it's flavorful, and it fits perfectly with my macros."

6. Cottage Cheese: The Protein Pick

Good Culture, Organic Cottage Cheese - Double Cream 6%

Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese that's high in protein, making it an excellent choice for keto dieters looking to maintain muscle mass. It is a bit higher than other cheeses in carb count but cottage cheese is still a great keto choice!

Exclusive Insights

  • High Protein: Supports muscle maintenance on a low carb diet.
  • Flexible: Can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.
  • Low in Fat: While lower in fat, it can be part of a balanced keto meal.

Customer Review

"I love starting my day with cottage cheese. It keeps me full, and I know I'm getting the protein I need."

7. Pepper Jack Cheese: The Spicy Standout

Sargento Sliced Pepper Jack Natural Cheese

Pepper jack cheese brings a spicy kick to your keto diet, perfect for those who love a bit of heat in their meals.

Exclusive Insights

  • Spicy Flavor: Adds excitement to keto meals.
  • High Fat Content: Helps you meet your fat intake goals.
  • Low Carb: Fits well within a ketogenic dietary plan.

Customer Review

"Pepper jack cheese has spiced up my keto life! It's the perfect addition to my low carb bread for a zesty sandwich."

8. Ricotta Cheese: The Versatile Variety

Belgioioso, Traditional Ricotta

Ricotta cheese is a semi soft cheese with a mild flavor, making it a great base for many keto recipes like our Keto Lasagna recipe!

Exclusive Insights

  • Creamy Consistency: Ideal for creating a smooth texture in recipes.
  • Low in Carbs: Works well for maintaining low carbohydrate intake.
  • High in Fat: Contributes to the necessary fat content for keto.

Customer Review

"Ricotta has been a revelation for my keto baking. It's so versatile and helps me create amazing low carb desserts."

9. Gouda Cheese: The Nutty Necessity

Glacier Ridge Farms Smoked Gouda Gourmet Spreadable Cheese

Gouda is a semi soft cheese with a rich, nutty flavor that's perfect for snacking or adding depth to keto dishes.

Exclusive Insights

  • Rich Flavor: Offers a satisfying taste experience.
  • Good Fat Content: Aligns with the keto emphasis on high fat foods.
  • Low Carb: Makes it easy to stay within your carb limits.

Customer Review

"Gouda cheese is my go-to for a quick keto-friendly snack. It's delicious and keeps me full between meals."

10. Swiss Cheese: The Hole-y Grail

Organic Valley Alpine Style Organic Baby Swiss Cheese Slices

Swiss cheese is not only known for its iconic holes but also for its low carb count and great taste.

Exclusive Insights

  • Distinctive Appearance: Adds visual appeal to dishes.
  • Low Carb: Ideal for keeping carbs in check.
  • High in Fat: Supports the fat requirements of a ketogenic diet.

Customer Review

"Swiss cheese has become a staple in my keto diet. It's tasty, filling, and helps me keep my carb intake low."

Keto Cheese FAQs

Can I eat cheese on keto?

Absolutely! Cheese is a keto-friendly food when chosen correctly. Opt for full fat cheeses and avoid low fat cheese varieties or processed cheeses like spray can cheese or American cheese, which may contain added carbs.

How much cheese can I eat on keto?

The amount of cheese you can eat varies depending on your daily macronutrient goals. Most cheeses are low in carbs, but calories and fat content should be considered to maintain a balanced diet.

Are cheese crisps keto-friendly?

Yes, cheese crisps can be a keto-friendly snack as long as they're made from real cheese and not loaded with additional carbs.

What about dairy allergies or lactose intolerance?

For those with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance, it's important to choose cheeses that are naturally lower in lactose, such as hard cheeses or those made from goat's milk.

Wrap Up Your Keto Cheese Quest

Whether you're looking to lose weight, maintain a ketogenic lifestyle, or simply enjoy delicious, high fat, low carb foods, cheese is a versatile and tasty option.

Remember to buy cheese that fits your taste preferences and dietary needs, and enjoy the creamy, cheesy goodness that keto has to offer!